Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Concept Band: A Boston Tradition (Boston Phoenix, 7/02/08)

Ah, it's summer, the time when school is out and Boston's rocker-aged population puts down their books and starts dreaming up hypothetical bands with crazy gimmicks that will take Boston (or at least PA's Lounge) by storm. Having trouble coming up with a High Concept project that will, maybe, perhaps, join the vaunted ranks of The Bentmen, The Upper Crust, Kaiju Big Battel, and a million other Boston Idearock pioneers? Here's a few to get started:

- band members all wear 3-foot styrofoam Easter Island heads on their heads, and ever song is a heavy metal testament to the power of Easter Island
- hand out those hawaiian flower necklace thingys
- acquire opening slot on Slipknot tour

- 10-member band all play songs that consist of single notes repeated forever with no build or anything
- all posters, album covers, websites, etc are all black with any text in courier font as small as possible

- every song is an Iron Maiden-esque Cliff Notes adaptation of a book into power metal
- new song every week, play song live, discuss themes afterwards in musical rounds
- first song: "A Separate Peace"
- first gig: Newton Mobile Book Fair

- put together 4 or 5 bands, and instead of them playing, say, the Mid East Up one after another like a bunch of trad rock dudes, they all set up in different corners of the club, with sound partitions, and play at once
- each band's repetoire is themed around, say, ADVENTURE, or PIRATING, or FOREIGN LANDS. admission to the show gets you a map
- oh, audience has to wait in long lines
- "You must be x inches tall to enter"

- skinny dudez press play on their laptops and then in fast-motion remodel the stages of boston's most famous local bar band dives
- first gig: TT's

- band comprised of paper-mache replicas of america's favorite irish stereotypes, fronted by the lucky charms guy
- at mid-set audience gets to spray band and everyone else with beer**
- set-closing singalong to the song they do in the middle of "Titanic", you know the scene

**not real beer

On second thought, don't steal my ideas, kid!

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